Having safe, natural alternatives to use for everyday things like immune and sleep support, bug bites, focus, head and tummy discomfort (and more) has allowed me to feel good about how I’m caring for my family. Using 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils matters when wanting to effectively address areas of support and discomfort.
From the fumes that cleaning products give off and linger to the toxins that come in contact with your skin, commercial household cleaners have a significant impact on our daily toxic load. Why not switch to cleaners that aren’t harmful to you and your loved ones?
When our littlest ones are exposed to harmful toxins, it has a greater impact on their health than adults because the same toxic load is effecting their much smaller, still developing organs and systems. It’s with greater urgency that we should be using the safest products on our kiddos.
Did you know that the average woman is said to put on her skin well over a hundred chemicals before she even goes to work? No more! Start having your skin care and beauty products actually nourish you, rather than harm you!