Pray for Maui

Rather than this being a brief update, it ended up being more like a video journal as I must have been processing through the reality of what I’m experiencing on Maui.

Last week, the people of Maui experienced utter devastation as wildfires blew through multiple parts of the island, but most significantly, the town of Lahaina. The island of Maui and our sister islands are absolutely devastated and heartbroken over the tragic events that have taken place in our state.

Our family moved here to Maui just over 4 months ago as my husband pursued a career change from the fire service to step into full-time ministry. What we have seen and heard of the tragedy this past week is honestly too much to comprehend while also rallying to help meet the immediate needs of those who survived and are displaced. We were never meant to witness and experience this type of loss and tragedy as humans, and with how quickly this occurred, I believe we are all still in a state of shock at the magnitude of what took place just days ago.

Being born and raised on the island of Oahu, this hurts so much to see our sister island having experienced so much loss and destruction.

I want to thank not only the first responders, but those who are also working tirelessly around the clock at the hospitals and clinics, airport, grocery stores, in the hospitality industry, the local people and businesses of Maui, FEMA task force teams, other supports flying in from across the country, and many of you from afar who are praying and donating to help care for the needs of Maui right now… we see you. We are so grateful for you.

We have a very long road ahead of us, but we are here for the long haul, and we will rebuild.

May we never forget Lahaina before the fires hit it and how it allowed visitors to marvel at the beautiful place we get to call home. May we never forget those upcountry in Kula who lost their homes. May we never forget the thousands who had to evacuate in Lahaina, upcountry, and Kihei, both survivors and those who were tragically unable to escape in time. May we never forget.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and he saves those who are crushed in spirit. 
— Psalm 34:18

This past weekend, we held special services to mourn, pray, worship, and receive updates together as a church family. Here’s a clip of my husband sharing from the care and counseling role how we as a church body can help. Feel free to watch the full service here to not only hear more about the ongoing efforts towards those most impacted, but to also hear words of encouragement in such dark and difficult times.

Many of you have asked WHERE YOU CAN DONATE to help from afar. Thank you so much. There are a number of organizations out there big and small, local and national, but if you’d like to give through a local church getting in on the ground level, you can donate to our church’s Kokua Fund at where we are already actively distributing funds and resources to survivors daily.

Hope's Relief Efforts (from our Lead Pastor as of 08.16.23)-

  • We've driven many truckloads of donations over to Lahaina, and also been able to utilize boat and helicopter to deliver much needed immediate relief. As the generosity of the church and community grows, each day we’re continuing to get more supplies to Lahaina & each of the emergency shelters on Maui

  • As our team has been on the ground, in Lahaina and at our donation center, they've had many opportunities to pray for and minister to those who've been deeply affected by the fires

  • Our Kōkua Fund is providing for those in the community who need it most- we're meeting immediate needs of supplies, clothing, and money for groceries daily

  • When families arrive at Hope for help, our Donation Center is open for them to shop for clothes, toiletries, first aid and basic medicine, toys, books, food and all of the essentials. Prayer and counseling needs are met, and we are pairing families to our network of available short-term housing. A team of Hope members has activated an "adopt-a-family" program to get to know families and their specific needs, and matching them with resources

  • Professional counselors and therapists are making trips to our partner church in Lahaina to care for their staff and volunteers, many of whom have lost so much, and are in the midst of hosting hundreds on their campus. Counselors are visiting shelters each day to give Bibles, care for displaced families, listen to their stories, and pray

  • Countless members are housing those who have lost their homes or their livelihoods

  • We’re partnering with our local missions to help them do the work to minister to those in need:

    • Maui Rescue Mission has a mobile shower unit, laundry, and resources to help the homeless community that has now increased by the thousands

    • Vertical Sports, our sports ministry, is sending teams to spend time with the kids and youth at the shelters and run sports activities on-site

    • Village of Hope ministers to foster kids. We are working with them to fill backpacks with essential items, toys and a Bible, to give to all the children and youth that have lost everything

    • We're a Maui Food Bank collection center, ready to distribute food, and also partner with Feed My Sheep to distribute food and fresh produce

    • Assistance Dogs of Hawaii is taking their trained golden retrievers to shelters and aid sites to provide support

Derek LaFontaine, Care & Counseling Pastor, Hope Chapel Maui in Kihei

If you are local to Maui and are making DONATIONS FOR FOOD, I would ask that you also please consider some of these suggestions to help meet the dietary needs of those displaced:

  • gluten free, dairy free, nut free, and/or soy free items (many w/ food allergies or sensitivities/intolerances to certain foods may fall ill and/or pain if consumed)

  • canned tuna, canned chicken, canned sardines (nutrient dense proteins)

  • meat and fish jerky (dried protein)

  • fresh/dried/canned (bpa-free, preferable) fruits and vegetables (including avocados for a healthy source of dietary fats)

  • coconut water (electrolytes)

  • good quality sea salt (electrolytes)

  • purified water

  • other: unscented feminine hygiene, body care, hair care products, unflavored oral care products

Mahalo for all your care and kokua.