Electrolytes - why all the hype?

I am not sponsored by LMNT - just sharing the awesomeness of these hard-core electrolytes.


Who was excited to hydrate with LMNT???

The annual, week-long Vertical Sports Maui Summer Camp took place again earlier this month where 25 elite coaches across various sports were flown in to not only give world class instruction to kids 6-14 years old but to also help build character and teach how sport can be used as a platform to do good and glorify God.

I had the joy of being able to serve again this year alongside 300 other volunteers to help make this an epic experience for the +600 kids and families that signed up! This definitely grew from last year!

As the "resident nutritionist", I brought along my stash of LMNT electrolytes for some serious hydration support for some of the coaches knowing they'd be working up a sweat and burning energy with all them keiki (kids) in 80+ degree weather, and let me tell you, these coaches were PUMPED!!! These guys (and gals) take hydration seriously and know that LMNT is hard core when it comes to providing adequate electrolytes without any sugar or fake/harmful ingredients. They were so excited to get their hands on some at camp!

What are electrolytes, what do they do, and should you care about them?

Electrolytes are a class of minerals (a.k.a. the body's "spark plugs", that conduct electricity throughout the body and are critical to key processes in the body) that include sodium, potassium, and chloride (among a few others). They help regulate fluid balance and nutrients that go in and out of our cells. They also serve as cofactors (helpers) necessary for optimal enzyme activity. Our bodies don't produce these on our own so we must obtain them through our diet. In addition, we are constantly losing them through sweat, urine, and feces, so replacing them on a regular basis is a must! If not, that's where symptoms of dehydration and ill health come into play. Que fatigue, muscle weakness, headaches, decreased neurological function, and much more...

How can you get electrolytes into your diet?

Food sources of electrolyte minerals (just to name a few):

  • parsnips

  • avocados

  • sardines

  • apricots

  • dates

  • plantains

  • beet greens

  • dark leafy greens

  • seafood

  • organ meats

  • grass-fed beef

Unfortunately, our soil quality today is far less rich in minerals than it used to be due to things like the use of synthetic fertilizers and monocropping that depletes the mineral content in our soil, so we could still benefit from supplementation. One easy (and tasty) way to do this is through electrolytes in our water!

Remember that in a recent​ blog ​I posted, I explained that water needs the presence of electrolytes in order for it to actually be absorbed and used by the cells in our body. Having them together is important to ensure we're being hydrated and receiving the minerals our bodies need on a daily basis.

Easy ways to add electrolytes to your filtered water:

  • Add a pinch of high-quality sea salt for their trace minerals - see if you notice a difference in how you feel and how it tastes. I actually like the flavor of this over just straight filtered water!

  • Add a few sliced cucumbers, lemon, or lime

  • Add a few berries

  • Add drops of​ Trace Mineral Drops​

  • Add a packet of ​LMNT​

Personally, I do a rotation of these to change things up but I do love adding LMNT to my water, just like the coaches above. It actually helps me drink more water throughout the day to stay hydrated. We get the variety pack on a monthly subscription, but you can choose from a range of other flavors, too. To try some for yourself, click here!

How are you and your family staying hydrated this summer??? Keep your energy levels up and mineral levels supported properly! Your body will thank you for it!